In terms of business, an Individual who offers services to another in exchange of remunerations as fee is considered as an employee or independent contractor. An individual’s independent contractor’s status is substantiated by cumulative factors such as control over time and place the tasks are undertaken, supplying the tools and instruments to be deployed to undertake the work.An employee performs all the tasks in his ability but limited to a specific organization and is controlled by that organization. The organization monitors an employee’s work, sets a timetable according to his responsibilities and determines the technique the employee uses to perform his work. An independent contractor differs in that role. He/she provides services to organization but not limited to one at a time,he/she works for him/herself.The legislation and regulations for the employee-employer relationship provide rights, comprehensive requirements for wages and other compensations, working hours, labor laws violation actions, employment contract and working conditions standards and holding a license .Employers can either hire an individual as an independent contractor or as an employee.
It is quintessential for a company to review its hiring practices. It helps in shaping the goals and objectives and further that what steps exactly one need to take into account while taking care of the organizations’ budgets. There are a few factors which are critical and must be conformed to. Misappropriation and willful misclassification of employees as independent contractor by the employer or an individual suggesting the same would be liable to a civil penalty. Employer must provide the independent contractors with a form developed by the Employee Development Department and maintain at least two years of the track record for the independent contractor hired by the employer.
In an organization it is essential for an employer to determine properly each individual’s work status because HR practices or law treats employees and independent contractors differently. Because it is not necessary to provide certain employment benefits to independent contractors or deduce income taxes from their salaries, independent contractors are not entitled too many of the protections as those extended to employees. For instance minimum wage, overtime, and meal and rest break laws do not apply to independent contractors and this varies from state to state. The official figures states at least 10 million workers are classified as independent contractors across the nation with a surge of 2 million in just 6 years and incurred losses of $7 billion alone to the state of California in payroll tax revenue. Not having to comply to workers’ compensation coverage, minimum wages, right to family leave, unemployment insurance, legal right grant to the individual to join unions, allows the employers to play by unfair means and dishonoring the lawful obligation to the employees.
There is an opposing argument as well, as per the existing law, certain factions opposing the recent bill state that there are no uniform, definitive guidelines issued by the state agencies to the employers to follow when determining the status of independent contractors. The outcry is for the tests are adopted by different state agencies are variable from the ones issued under the existing law. This lack of consistency arguably creates potentially superfluous and inhomogeneous standards for employers.
An organization or business must take care of all these categories or factors while determining whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee and must seek consultation and advisory support from legit staffing consultants to balance out their potent HR needs.
For More Information:
HR Handbook
HR Consultant